
Showing posts from 2019


The months of November December have been immense for us. A close family friend left for the field south of Philippines. A good friend lost of a baby while another two had healthy baby boys. We submitted our final papers and got busy gearing ourselves up for ministry months with Leaders Retreat and Youth Camp on the horizon. We’ve also been catching up with friends and individuals as they come home from overseas or clear leave for this festive season. In the midst of all these Nathan has gotten so big, he’s gone over the weight limit of our old carrier and has gotten a wardrobe switch to 24-36mo clothing. Mya has always used a drawer unit for all her clothing thus far, when Nathan came we gave away most of her baby clothing and continued using the drawers. But with cloth diapers, extra beddings and the like, we knew we had to start saving up for a new closet. Somehow, without any prior communication, our soon-to-be missionary friends offered their children’s wardrobe. F...


October has always been a mad rush for us at Seminary. Essay deadlines. Project presentations. Exam preparations. Reflections due. And really everything else you can possibly think of for a student’s final few weeks of terms. At the turn of the month, as timely as you would have things occur in a drama serial, we all took turns to fall ill. Nathan was hospitalised for Croup and the week after he was discharged, Mya started having mysterious fevers which became a hacking cough and at one point all of us were having fevers. To be honest, it was frustrating being ill. I (Amy) was angry at how weak I was and disappointed that my body had succumbed to a simple flu, especially when I needed to be the pillar at home with Jonathan’s work piling up. But now as I look back at those ten days, it was an amazing time for me and both the children. Just endless hours at home, taking our time, to paint, to read, to play and to just lie in bed together. Talking, laughing and loving one anothe...


In my (Amy) first year of seminary, we had a group presentation on Foreign Domestic Workers. It required fieldwork, interviews and applications. As part of the research, we went to Peninsular Plaza, People’s Park to observe on weekends. We spoke to those around us. We also got a lot of information via government websites and the like. The main takeaway was a very depressing one, the statistics of abuse, deportment, ill-treatment was frightening to say the least. But we knew that was not the full story, because around us we had heard many success stories as well. Bittersweet farewells of employers sending their helpers overseas to further their studies, lending them capital to set up businesses and so on. As our presentation came together, we had to put up several suggestions as well. One of it was to create a positive angle using a story that will be suitable for even young children, to encourage but also educate us on this special group of people. To help us envision the pos...


We had a small budget to work with for Nathan’s first birthday celebration, but only because we wanted to host a party to celebrate his having made it to this first-year milestone. Significant for a child who was recommended open heart surgery within the first week of his life. And so, we went about securing a lunch caterer, getting a cake made and all that. Then the party came and went, and payment came. Due to my oversight, we realised we had gone over budget by nearly $500, no small sum for our family for four. When I made the bank transfer, I saw that my hands were trembling. How were we going to make it through the next two weeks, how would we settle meals and Mya’s birthday was coming up too? As these fears were about to explode in my head, a text came saying a transfer of $500 has been made to my account. The note following said it was for Nathan, and that we could use it for him in any way. I was shocked to the point of disbelief and had to read it several times to...


June was an intensive lesson in learning to love each other as family. When everyone is at home and we are forced to get along with one another all day every day, things can get very trying. Why isn’t the toddler putting on her shoes after five reminders? Why is the baby throwing his food on the floor instead of eating? Why are breakfast dishes still in the sink at lunch time? And the list of grievances goes on and on until eternity. Yet none of these June days were meaningless. Two trips to the Singapore Zoo. An extended family holiday to Thailand, a very typical Ji-family getaway, full of beach days, coffee stops and local food feasting. A short getaway with Jonathan to Batam for a staff retreat, getting to have extended conversations with old friends undisturbed by the need to rush off somewhere. A farewell for a precious Korean classmate. And finally, a combined church camp across the causeway where we saw true community in action. July is now upon us and school...


Of late, we have been praying this prayer over Nathan daily. It is part of his life verse and also reflects the desire of our heart. This month, we were really confident about the transfer to the cardiologist at Public Healthcare since his specialist told us there has been marked improvement. However, we came out a little frustrated and disappointed. An operation is still pending, a keyhole one to mend the hole because the position of his hole is less than ideal and may cause the adjacent flap to be deformed or collapse in the worst case. The flap cannot be fixed medically as of yet, so it’ll be easier to mend the hole. Here we are, back at the waiting game again. But our hearts are still filled with gratitude because he continues to bring us much joy daily. Cruising, laughing, singing and inhaling his food. We are also grateful that the hole is indeed smaller relative to the heart and does not require open heart surgery. Some Updates: In the months of May and June, w...


We thank you for praying with Nathan ever since the hole in his heart was discovered. We are pleased to share that in the latest check up, it has halved in size and proves to no longer be life-threatening. However, extra fluid continues to cause swelling in his lung, which makes infections harder to clear. As such, we have chosen to remove him from both BSF and Sunday School until he gets older.  Please continue to pray for us to discern what is best for his health. And pray that his sleep pattern will improve along with his eating pattern, which has been relatively poor since hospitalisation last month. This month Mya heard the story of Samuel's call twice. Once in Sunday School and again through BSF, which she attends every Monday. It is so deeply planted in her mind that she randomly declares, 'speak Lord, your servant is listening' out of the blue. Contrary to her biblical outbursts, we have been receiving reports from school about misbehavior. Her...


         In January, when we posted about Mya's hospitalisation and influenza A episode, we mentioned that our faith was being refined. And it continues to be tested this March. Nathan having a prolonged cough that became vomiting, which forced us to bring him to the hospital. How often I found myself thinking - if only my kids were like other kids. Healthy and strong. Good sleepers, good eaters and so on. How annoyed I got by people who kept spamming me bible verses and telling me to keep the faith, as if I had wavered. How discouraged we felt when the doctors said this incident might have put strain of his lungs. How frustrated Jonathan must have felt, when finally, settling into his revision routine, another child comes and turns it all upside down.      But, on the night we were discharged, it was Mya's turn to pray, and here's what she said - "Thank you God for family. Thank you God for bringing Didi home from hospital. Thank you Go...


As we result of the kids being sick so much in January, Jonathan and I find ourselves behind time in just about everything. His readings and assignments, my writing and other work commitments. Thankfully, the Chinese New Year break gave us a slight reprieve and brought the children much joy. Now that March is upon us, we find that we have to up the pace in order to get back on track. But before that, we have much to rejoice together with you. Thanksgiving 1.        Mya has adjusted well to her new school and our generous Father answered her child-like giving her a slide in the new school compound. 2.        Nathan continues to grow well making a smooth transition into solid food. 3.        Amy is looking forward to getting back into the swing of work and ministry. 4.        Jonathan has made considerable progress with Hebrew despite initial worries and con...


Some of you may have heard, some may not know. Since Saturday, nine whole days ago, Mya has been fighting a battle against flu A. To give you a fuller picture - Things started off innocently enough. A mild fever. A slight runny nose and a barely noticeable cough. Sunday went by with all the regular toddler measures. Regular temperature taking, extra hydration and medication. Then Monday came and we realised things were definitely awry. The fever could no longer be controlled by medication but was getting higher by the hour. By dinner time it hit 41.7deg and we were off to the Children's Emergency. There they did also the usual. A blood test. Then a urine test followed by a snot test. With constant monitoring her temperature seemed under control. By Tuesday evening they let us take her home. But despite rest and fluids all Wednesday and Thursday, the temperature soared to 41.4deg again Friday evening. Another trip to Children's Emergency showed us nothing out of the ordi...


For those who recently started following us in 2019, a very warm welcome! Our little family of four are happy you have joined us on Our Animated Journey. Similar to last year, we are committed to writing at least one update a month which may include thanksgiving, prayer items or both. Do note that we are in no way soliciting your gifts or money, but we do highly covet your prayers. December 2018 ended with many wonderful blessings. So much so we were able to host friends and family. Host several giveaways via Amy’s personal Instagram account @jieames as well as have Mya donate her toys and clothing to more needy children. Just as we thought these blessings in kind would plateau as the new year arrived, the Lord blessed us with a HUGE Christmas gift. The back story is that we have been hoping to transfer Mya to a school nearer to our home to facilitate drop offs and pick ups now with Nathan in tow. We love her current school now, but it is not that convenient via public tr...