We had a small budget to work with for Nathan’s first birthday celebration, but only because we wanted to host a party to celebrate his having made it to this first-year milestone. Significant for a child who was recommended open heart surgery within the first week of his life.

And so, we went about securing a lunch caterer, getting a cake made and all that. Then the party came and went, and payment came. Due to my oversight, we realised we had gone over budget by nearly $500, no small sum for our family for four. When I made the bank transfer, I saw that my hands were trembling. How were we going to make it through the next two weeks, how would we settle meals and Mya’s birthday was coming up too?

As these fears were about to explode in my head, a text came saying a transfer of $500 has been made to my account. The note following said it was for Nathan, and that we could use it for him in any way. I was shocked to the point of disbelief and had to read it several times to be certain. Then, when I realised what had just happened, the tears burst forth from eyes. “You of little faith” were the words impressed upon me right there and then.

He was right of course. My Heavenly Father owns a thousand cattle on a thousand hills, and here I was fretting about a minor thing like money.

Prayer Pointers

Beyond this story, we would also like to ask that you pray alongside with us for our unsaved family and friends. Towards the end of the birthday celebration, Jonathan very succinctly shared the miracle of Nathan’s life and journey, as well as how the Father’s hand has been upon our home ever since day one. We were very intentional about creating a pocket for this testimony, we were also grateful that many of his relatives could come and hear this heartfelt sharing.


Us being married for six good years on 20th July
Jonathan turning 30+ on 25th July
Nathan turning one on 27th July
Mya turning four on 10th August

He who calls has and is faithful, may we too be faithful to the very end.

Jonathan, Amy with Mya & Nathan


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