For those who recently started following us in 2019, a very warm welcome! Our little family of four are happy you have joined us on Our Animated Journey. Similar to last year, we are committed to writing at least one update a month which may include thanksgiving, prayer items or both. Do note that we are in no way soliciting your gifts or money, but we do highly covet your prayers.

December 2018 ended with many wonderful blessings. So much so we were able to host friends and family. Host several giveaways via Amy’s personal Instagram account @jieames as well as have Mya donate her toys and clothing to more needy children. Just as we thought these blessings in kind would plateau as the new year arrived, the Lord blessed us with a HUGE Christmas gift.

The back story is that we have been hoping to transfer Mya to a school nearer to our home to facilitate drop offs and pick ups now with Nathan in tow. We love her current school now, but it is not that convenient via public transport. I would have to transfer twice from bus to train and bus again to get there. Thankfully, Jonathan’s close friend and fellow seminary buddy pastors a church with a childcare nearby and was more than happy to link us up with school officials. Fast forward a few months, we went down for an interview of sorts and they are happy to take Mya starting next month! With a pastoral discount on the monthly fee no less. God’s providence completely blew us a way, He provided beyond what we could foresee.

Please remember us in prayer for the following items –

1.       Sunday school and BSF (cum Jan and Feb respectively) pray for protection of his health and that he can adapt quickly
2.       Youngest seminary student (having to join Amy in class) pray for quick adjustment
3.       Starting on solid foods, pray his body will not develop any allergies or digestive issues

1.       Final month in current school, pray she will end well and be a blessing to the end
2.       Starts new school in Feb, pray for favour from new teachers and friends
3.       Testing boundaries these days, pray for a heart of obedience and love for Christ

1.       Starting seminary this semester with a full load (5 modules!) Remember to pray for strength, discipline and that God will protect his little rest at nights.
2.       Continuing to lead his young Cell Group (Secondary Twos) Pray for connection and spiritual engagement.
3.       Pray for him to have adequate time with the children despite all his commitments.

1.       Taking one module as a part-time student this semester, pray for quick adjustment
2.       Continuing work on final thesis, pray for discipline and clarity as well as favour
3.       Strength and creativity as she mothers the children and managing the home

Grateful always,
Jonathan, Amy with Mya & Nathan


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