Of late, we have been praying this prayer over Nathan daily. It is part of his life verse and also reflects the desire of our heart. This month, we were really confident about the transfer to the cardiologist at Public Healthcare since his specialist told us there has been marked improvement. However, we came out a little frustrated and disappointed. An operation is still pending, a keyhole one to mend the hole because the position of his hole is less than ideal and may cause the adjacent flap to be deformed or collapse in the worst case. The flap cannot be fixed medically as of yet, so it’ll be easier to mend the hole.

Here we are, back at the waiting game again. But our hearts are still filled with gratitude because he continues to bring us much joy daily. Cruising, laughing, singing and inhaling his food. We are also grateful that the hole is indeed smaller relative to the heart and does not require open heart surgery.

Some Updates:

In the months of May and June, we are accompanying Jonathan on his shadow internship and have been attending TCEPC for the last few weeks. It has brought us much joy to be part of a small community church (about 80) which really feels like family. An early morning church service where the children are with us for worship, followed by brunch together and then discipleship group immediately after. We have been learning a lot, please thank God with us for the wonderful welcome we have received at this church.

Prayer request:

1.       Please pray for Mya. She is having some discipline issues that is surprising to us.
2.       Please pray for us as parents to find the godly balance between being lax and strict.
3.       Remember Nathan who still has high tendency to fall sick, pray for protection.
4.       Pray God will help us build a strong family foundation this May / June period as we spend extended amounts of time with the children before the new semester begins.
5.       Remember Jonathan as he does his shadow internship interspersed with regular youth work and preaching appointments, that God will be his central motivation.

Thank you for loving us as a family. We cannot do this without your prayers.

Jonathan, Amy with Mya & Nathan


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