The months of November December have been immense for us. A close family friend left for the field south of Philippines. A good friend lost of a baby while another two had healthy baby boys. We submitted our final papers and got busy gearing ourselves up for ministry months with Leaders Retreat and Youth Camp on the horizon. We’ve also been catching up with friends and individuals as they come home from overseas or clear leave for this festive season.

In the midst of all these Nathan has gotten so big, he’s gone over the weight limit of our old carrier and has gotten a wardrobe switch to 24-36mo clothing. Mya has always used a drawer unit for all her clothing thus far, when Nathan came we gave away most of her baby clothing and continued using the drawers. But with cloth diapers, extra beddings and the like, we knew we had to start saving up for a new closet.

Somehow, without any prior communication, our soon-to-be missionary friends offered their children’s wardrobe. Full length, three bottom drawers and much to Mya’s delight (and my distaste) pink doors! Another classmate also got us a friend mover who did the shift at a fraction of the prices in the market. In short, we paid a quarter of what we had prepared to spend and it was exactly what we needed. Kindly refer to the photo to see how accurate He is and how he gave us something that fit exactly into our space.

              This next testimony was so mind-blowing we got a shock ourselves. One morning, I shared a frustrated post on Instagram asking mums for advice on a proper swim float for Nathan. We had tried five different types, including a combination of floats and still he would go head first whenever we let him go. Before lunch that morning, we had received offers from three different mums to gift us new floats to try. And within three days we received a brand-new swim trainer in the mail, something way over our budget for our float. But by all reviews, it was the very best. When I shared this to Jonathan, I remember choking back tears saying, ‘put all your heart into ministry, give all that you have for the work of the Lord, never worry about us, for God will never short change His people.’ And indeed He never did, but instead often gives us way better than we deserve.

One more for the books, I (Amy) sulkingly booked a short trip to JB for our year-end family holiday. It upset me so much that we could not go to Taiwan again this year, I missed the church family, the friends and the mountains so badly. But when we entered the suite, I immediately teared up and felt remorse for my ingratitude. The photo does no justice whatsoever, but we got full length windows, pool view and a full panoramic view of the Johor Straits. To top it off, we got a huge suite, giant bathtub (children’s prayer), and access to the executive longue. In short, we got way more than we paid for and so much more.

What space more do I have left to tell you about the huge bag of cloth diapers (brand new hand-me-downs) that we received in our mailbox. Or the gifts Mya has been receiving from various brands for Christmas (no strings attached). Or the meals we have been brought out too simply because people felt prompted to bless. Or the book readings that I (Amy) have been endlessly invited too, without any professional promotions and even more so an unknown author. Or the opportunity to visit the SEA aquarium. And so much so much more.

Dear friends, thank you for being a part of our lives. We share these not to boast, but to really keep a record of how much He has protected and provided for His people. We lack nothing, in contrast we have been given much and may we likewise bless much.

Prayer Items - 
Youth Camp (strength, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit)
Health, protection of his rest especially

Discernment for handling public events surrounding the Book Series
Emotional strength dealing with the children

Full recovery of her cast (23rd Dec)
Smooth preparation for K1


Good health in this rainy season (been having little fever episodes)

Immensely Grateful,


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