We thank you for praying with Nathan ever since the hole in his heart was discovered. We are pleased to share that in the latest check up, it has halved in size and proves to no longer be life-threatening. However, extra fluid continues to cause swelling in his lung, which makes infections harder to clear. As such, we have chosen to remove him from both BSF and Sunday School until he gets older. 

Please continue to pray for us to discern what is best for his health. And pray that his sleep pattern will improve along with his eating pattern, which has been relatively poor since hospitalisation last month.

This month Mya heard the story of Samuel's call twice. Once in Sunday School and again through BSF, which she attends every Monday. It is so deeply planted in her mind that she randomly declares, 'speak Lord, your servant is listening' out of the blue.

Contrary to her biblical outbursts, we have been receiving reports from school about misbehavior. Her over-enthusiasm in handling the younger kids in school, her inability to walk out of role-play during play time and so on. We are not worried about the behavior as much as we are concerned about the possible root of the problem. Is she wanting more attention now that Nathan is around? Does she feel insecure because she gets less of our affection? 

Will you please pray with us. That Mya will grow in wisdom and knowledge of our Lord Jesus and His unconditional love this Holy Week. 

In other April news, we have been so blessed as Amy has been receiving invite after invite to review / giveaway various products (see Instagram). Many of these products are baby related and very costly, we are so privileged to be considered for sponsorship. However, these have been putting a lot of strain on her (mentally, emotionally) as she is not quite adept at dealing with unreasonable demands, aggressive sponsors and so on. 

Will you please pray for Amy to have wisdom and discernment in handling all these. That these 'blessings' would not become a burden, but that they will continue to be a way she can reach more mums for Christ. 

Finally, Jonathan completes his second year of Seminary this month. We are so proud of him, seeing the immense effort he puts into Hebrew, and others really inspires us to do our best for God in our own ways. He has been exemplary and Godly throughout this very difficult season. Staying up late to help Amy when baby is fussy. Reading the same book five times to Mya before bed, despite he tiredness. 

Will you please remember him as he finishes up his last few papers and exams. That he will excel to the very end. 

May we as a family always put His way before ours in all that we do. 

Grateful for all of you,
Jonathan, Amy with Mya & Nathan


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