December means school holidays for Daddy so the children have been enjoying lots more time with Jonathan. Nothing special doing, just unhurried play time, library visits and slow meal times followed by long baths. Whilst everyone rushes overseas for the holidays, we are taking time off for each other this time round. Chilling at the beach, going across the border for some cafe food and reading mountains of books. We forfeited Taiwan this year because we have enough adjustments to make as a family. A new child, a new sibling, a new home arrangement and a busier school schedule. Thanksgiving - Nathan officially cleared from requiring early surgery - Mya completing her N1 year well - Jonathan sermon on God's presence at Frontline Youth - Amy having had pockets of paid work throughout maternity period Prayer Needs Nathan 1. Smooth transition to solid food 2. Continual good health and growth until the next heart review in Feb Mya 1. Smooth transition into N2 2. Co...