July is usually the busiest month of our year.

A nephew's birthday. Another whole string of birthdays. Our own wedding anniversary. J.G.'s birthday. And this year its threatening to get a whole lot busier with seminary starting for J.G. next week. Plus the impending birth of our second child, thankfully still incubating within me. For how long though, is unsure.

Do keep us in your prayers as we begin a real process of juggling. Especially for M who's transiting all at once to a new Sunday School Class, Swimming Class and Big Sister (no classes available).

We begin with thanksgiving -

1. Thank God for a great time of memory making in June

Lots of committed time to family, pool time, relaxing together. We were very intentional about bringing her out to special places, allowing her to hang out with her friends, our friends and so on. We visited a couple of other churches and managed to gain many wonderful insights, be it from their pulpit, youth ministry or even Sunday School.

2. Thankful for Malaysian supermarkets and our self toilet-trained toddler

Thus far, we have been subsisting on supermarket runs across the customs to buy our quarterly supplies of diapers, milk powder and other household needs. Plus the bonus cafe fair in Ringgit, what's not to love. In the recent months, M has decided wearing diapers is for babies and has rather successfully toilet-trained herself. Apart from long car rides, naps and over nights. That has saved us heaps! We are so happy!

3. Hand-me-downs

We were going to let baby wear M's clothing for the first few months. Never did we expect a truckload of nearly brand new clothing from my uncle. Cute boy clothing in all shapes, designs and colours. Baby is so blessed! Plus a hand-me-down cot from a friend and diapers from our cell group mates. I think we didn't have to buy him a single thing! Except maybe diaper rash cream (which is critical enough to spend on).

Here's how you can pray for us -

- Started swim class yesterday (courtesy of a kind sponsor). Pray for safety and enjoyment.
- Longer hours at school beginning next week. She will go in a full 8 hours 3 days a week once her dad starts seminary, pray for good rest and emotional security.
- Growth spurt! She just did 4cm in the last month and gained a whooping 1.5kg without us noticing. But growth spurt does mean she doesn't sleep as well and is a little more cranky in the day. Pray for discipline and good health.

- Erm. Labour?
- Its the same for every mum (I believe) Pray for smooth, quick and painless delivery.
- Pray for Nathan's safety and growth as we adjust to one another.

- School starts tomorrow. Pray for mental readiness to tackle another semester. Resilience and good time management to handle different assignments (and Hebrew in particular)
- Fathering two kids. Pray for strength, physical and emotional as he juggles family, ministry and studies.
- Ministry continues. Pray for peace, wisdom and perseverance as youth work is business as usual.

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers~

Jonathan, Amy and Mya + baby


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