Nathan will be going for open-heart surgery on the 14th of August to close the hole in his heart.

The hole (VSD) has begun to show signs of leakage and the valve above the hole is starting to deform as a result of the pressure caused by the leak. Should the leak worsen, he will have to undergo two surgeries rather than one. As such, J and I have decided to go ahead with their current suggestion to patch the hole.


What are your thoughts?

Certainly, it is a major surgery and we will take care to prepare Nate (and ourselves) for it. But other than that, we are not too anxious. In contrast, we are grateful for the clarity and confidence the surgeon gave us yesterday.

More importantly, we know full well that He is sovereign and in control. This entire heart journey is out of our hands and Nate, like every one of us, is at the mercy of our Creator. We do not think Nate’s condition is worse than any other child or better for that matter. Instead, we treasure him each day as a precious gift, no different from how we celebrate each milestone with Mya.

Our peace stems from the understanding that we are not in control, our faith in founded on a God who’s arm is not too short He cannot save and our joy in built on His grace, which He pours out on us underserving people in such an immense manner.


How has this affected your lives?

On our part, we have decided we will continue to do the work we believe He has called us to. To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly.

For J to continue pastoring.
For Ames to continue writing and researching social issues.
For Mya to continue her joy of learning and many mini projects.


Nate turns two on Monday, we are looking forward to celebrating with him. He is super excited about singing the birthday song. Mya has saved up to buy him a yellow digger.

Do understand that we will keep celebrations and visitations to a bare minimum in this period as we keep him healthy and ready his body for surgery.

We are more than happy to have the kids video call with you, so feel free to connect with us online.

Thank you for journeying with us~


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