January crossed into February without any of us realising it, midway into the fifteen days of Chinese New Year, the NCov Virus broke out leaving everyone in a frenzy. Mya started another bout of mysterious fever (without symptoms) during this time that lasted 8 days, after began a persistent dry cough that got so bad it woke us all at night. As such, I (Amy) have been home bound these past two and a half weeks with the little fellows and am slowly running out of meal ideas.

Nonetheless, school life goes on and assignment deadlines approach with blinding clarity each time I open my planner. Again, I am forced to ask myself the question, was it wrong of me to take on part-time studies and writing projects with two young children in tow? Should I drop these commitments for another season? Rather than guilt, it is physical tiredness that tops the list. After household chores, child-minding, meal preparation and bath times all day every day, I find myself breathless and frustrated at my inability to do more in less time.

Jonathan’s steadfastness gives me much comfort in times like these. Affirming what I have accomplished whilst assuring me that these decisions we made together, and we will stand by it no matter what the circumstance. It’s a wonder how much comfort the words, “it will be okay” brings and how relieved I am when I his keys rattling at the front door. The boy I liked in my teenage years became the man I married, and has now upgraded into an undeniable pillar and leader of our household.

Thankfully, Mya is better now. And although, school is still out of the question, our little threesome have got into a better daily routine. This includes a pocket of outdoor time every morning, which we discovered is critical for my mental health after converting to stay-home mum status.

Some prayer points are outlined below –

1. For wisdom in making decisions for Youth Ministry in light of the current situation
2. Focus and diligence in finishing this final semester well

1. Bicycle (the brakes on my ten-year-old hand-me-down has given way)
2. Strength and God’s love to mother the children daily

1. Conviction of heart as we go through Paul’s letters in the bible (currently at 2 Corinthians)
2. Better appetite

1. Safety and good health being home all with his sick sister
2. Clearance to start school soon (hopefully in March)

As always, thank you for praying alongside.


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