In this second month of Seminary, the whole family is officially in school. Mya’s childcare is now officially opened! We are so grateful for all who have prayed, this is indeed an answered prayer. Yet, to be honest, this past week has been really challenging. As with every transition, it takes adjustment, especially for a two-year old.

On a more positive note, Mya seems to be enjoying school a lot. Showing off her craft work and dragging me around the different classrooms to show me ‘her’ toys. And God has so graciously given us a car for the month of August so that these initial days in school would be less challenging. Ministry on the church front for both J and I have also slowed significantly in the last month or so, this has given us more time for revision but more importantly more energy to engage Mya at home.

Here’s how you can pray for us in the second month –

1. Adjustment to not having a car –
a.       Figuring out the home à childcare à SBC à childcare à home bus routes
b.       Settling meals, we still hope to have mainly homecooked meals if possible
      2. Hosting dinners in the September break
a.       Hope to bless a few groups of people during this one-week break
b.       Pray for hospitable attitude and good time management with homework
      3. For MYA
a.       Recently crying in Sunday School – pray we find the reason or that she stops
b.       Adapting to new routine – school!
      4.For JON
a.       Ability to grasp Greek and retain information studied
b.       Continual heart of learning and teachable posture

     5. For AMY
a.       Pace herself in terms of readings / assignments / ministry

b.       Emotional well-being especially with separation from Mya for long hours

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