It was no surprise that J.G. chose Moses for his opening passage as part of a Call to Worship this morning before service begun. He has always loved the character of Moses and sought to exemplify his life in many ways. I dare not say, he has succeeded, but more than a handful of close friends and co-workers have called him 'humble', 'meek' and 'mild-mannered', character traits which seem to run parallel with his biblical role model.

Allow to me share from the start.

These writings will be intimate and personal for the most part. They will include stories and photographs of my family and our lives. The main aim of these journal entries is to keep those faithful prayer warriors in the know, but more so for us as a family to record Our Animated Journey we believe is ahead. Hopefully, in times of discouragement and disappointment, which are to be expected, we may read back and see that He never left us or forsook us, just as He promised at the very beginning.

And so, here it is, the back story -

J.G. and I not only attended the same Youth Cell in our Youth Fellowship days, we also had the privilege of leading a younger Cell together. On more than one occasion, the Pastor or Speaker would challenge us to think upon God's call in our lives and we would then have to share our reflections in these smaller groups. J. would drop words like 'full-time ministry', 'pastor', 'youth worker' etc. While I would in all enthusiasm, clench my fist and declare confidently that I would be a Missionary in the field by the age of twenty-five. This was of course largely my reckless teenage self speaking and not the Lord's direction as I would regretfully find out in due time.

But our God never forgets. He never once forgot that at age fourteen, I responded to a sermon, delivered in pristine Mandarin by James Taylor V, and gave my life to Him in service to the Mission field. He never abandoned me despite the fact I turned my back on Him during my University life, thinking I ought not waste my youth but instead pursue whatever fun I wanted, however I wanted. Peter, the Youth Pastor would later joke, was my alter-ego. With all conviction, some days, I would die to follow Him, but at my own convenience, I would be just as happy to deny Him.

In complete contrast, J. would continue to serve and lead the Cell we were meant to lead together. And he faithfully came to Youth Service week after week, even during those two trying years while fulfilling his National Service as a Naval Diver. Whilst my excuses for not coming got ridiculous and lame, he quietly stepped up his game and became a core leader doing Discipleship training.

Amidst of my short but exciting teaching career, the Lord called me to repentance and I knew continuing the work in Education would be impossible without Him. Coming back to the church, to the fellowship of believer, and then to service, I knew it was the Youth Ministry that still had my heart. That's where I found myself, surprise surprise, leading a now younger Cell Group with J. as the co-leader.


A decade later today, we stood before our church, as a family of three, taking a step of faith into Theological Studies. For J.Ji the path has been relatively smooth-sailing, his words not mine. From being a happy-go-lucky youth, to a committed Cell Leader, learning the ropes of the corporate world as an Engineer for three years and then transiting into the church as a Full-time Youth Staff for another three. Entering Seminary is definitely the most logical next step for him having seen the true vigour of working for the Youth Ministry as well as, the critical state of Biblical illiteracy amongst the young people of today.

For me, the journey has not been so clear or smooth-sailing. Many failed relationships left me insecure and confused, whilst struggles in the working world only served to aggravate my collapsing self-esteem. Thankfully, our God is one of many, not just second, chances. Drawing me back to Him, giving me a stable husband and a beautiful daughter.

Looking back, having chose obedience every single time might have made my life easier, but it might have not. Instead, I am deciding to say a resounding 'yes' to the call of Intercultural Studies at the Singapore Bible College in this season, trusting that He who calls will also enable.

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