October has always been a mad rush for us at Seminary. Essay deadlines. Project presentations. Exam preparations. Reflections due. And really everything else you can possibly think of for a student’s final few weeks of terms.

At the turn of the month, as timely as you would have things occur in a drama serial, we all took turns to fall ill. Nathan was hospitalised for Croup and the week after he was discharged, Mya started having mysterious fevers which became a hacking cough and at one point all of us were having fevers.

To be honest, it was frustrating being ill. I (Amy) was angry at how weak I was and disappointed that my body had succumbed to a simple flu, especially when I needed to be the pillar at home with Jonathan’s work piling up. But now as I look back at those ten days, it was an amazing time for me and both the children. Just endless hours at home, taking our time, to paint, to read, to play and to just lie in bed together. Talking, laughing and loving one another. What a luxury to have my children all to myself, with time to spare!

Thank you all for the prayers, texts, barley water delivery and warm meals.

Here is how we would appreciate your prayers in what is left of October –


1.       Deadlines. Discipline. Physical strength and mental focus.
2.       Good health in this period of little sleep.
3.       Reliance on God in all things, especially care for his family.


1.       Wisdom and stamina to manage the home
2.       Clarity, creativity and conviction as she begins training a group of teachers for 6 weeks
3.       Emotional health (healthy, godly perception of self)


1.       Good health
2.       Strong finish for the school year
3.       Thanksgiving – can now confidently cycle on two-wheels


1.       Good cardio review end October
2.       Ability to start baby sign language or expressing himself in simple words
3.       Physical safety in general (very accident prone)

Thank you and again thank you. 

From the Jis!


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