The months of November December have been immense for us. A close family friend left for the field south of Philippines. A good friend lost of a baby while another two had healthy baby boys. We submitted our final papers and got busy gearing ourselves up for ministry months with Leaders Retreat and Youth Camp on the horizon. We’ve also been catching up with friends and individuals as they come home from overseas or clear leave for this festive season. In the midst of all these Nathan has gotten so big, he’s gone over the weight limit of our old carrier and has gotten a wardrobe switch to 24-36mo clothing. Mya has always used a drawer unit for all her clothing thus far, when Nathan came we gave away most of her baby clothing and continued using the drawers. But with cloth diapers, extra beddings and the like, we knew we had to start saving up for a new closet. Somehow, without any prior communication, our soon-to-be missionary friends offered their children’s wardrobe. F...