
Showing posts from July, 2017


"Hi, my name is A. I come from Church B and serve in these ministries for X number of years." Throughout the first week of seminary, I think the most daunting thing is not the number of readings we have to do per week, but really the wealth of experiences many of our classmates bring in. Some are returning Missionaries, taking time to get a Masters during their sabbatical, whilst others are Pastors, seeking to better serve their churches and still others who are nurses, church workers, business owners and many more. Hearing these stories on loop all week as I attended the various classes made me feel tiny, or maybe even miniature in comparison. Not the mention the life-sized portraits of Spiritual giants like Hudson Taylor, John Wesley etc. hung all around the campus. How humbling and privileged I am to be doing school alongside these folk! Here are some ways you might pray for us this first month -


It was no surprise that J.G. chose Moses for his opening passage as part of a Call to Worship this morning before service begun. He has always loved the character of Moses and sought to exemplify his life in many ways. I dare not say, he has succeeded, but more than a handful of close friends and co-workers have called him 'humble', 'meek' and 'mild-mannered', character traits which seem to run parallel with his biblical role model. Allow to me share from the start. These writings will be intimate and personal for the most part. They will include stories and photographs of my family and our lives. The main aim of these journal entries is to keep those faithful prayer warriors in the know, but more so for us as a family to record Our Animated Journey we believe is ahead. Hopefully, in times of discouragement and disappointment, which are to be expected, we may read back and see that He never left us or forsook us, just as He promised at the very beginning. ...