In January, when we posted about Mya's hospitalisation and influenza A episode, we mentioned that our faith was being refined. And it continues to be tested this March. Nathan having a prolonged cough that became vomiting, which forced us to bring him to the hospital. How often I found myself thinking - if only my kids were like other kids. Healthy and strong. Good sleepers, good eaters and so on. How annoyed I got by people who kept spamming me bible verses and telling me to keep the faith, as if I had wavered. How discouraged we felt when the doctors said this incident might have put strain of his lungs. How frustrated Jonathan must have felt, when finally, settling into his revision routine, another child comes and turns it all upside down. But, on the night we were discharged, it was Mya's turn to pray, and here's what she said - "Thank you God for family. Thank you God for bringing Didi home from hospital. Thank you Go...