This school holiday past, I (Amy) found myself spontaneously sharing with a few teacher friends during the school holiday about this new phrase of seminary life. After they got over their surprise, remarks that followed all centered around the great sacrifices we were making as a family and concerns about financial challenges etc. This is no sacrifice. And no, I'm not making a noble famous missionary type statement like 'If Jesus be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me..." CT Studd. I am honestly and simply telling you the truth of the matter. Being called to Seminary, having the joy of studying His word day after day and surrounded by God-fearing individuals is a huge privilege. Why would anyone consider this a sacrifice? Or rather, what are we sacrificing? To this question, I have no answer. Even then, this month, we want to give God much glory and thanks because indeed before a word of prayer is uttered from our lips, He knows it completel...